Tools created by NIPO users are shared below for you to download free of charge. Use the tabs above to filter tools by category.
Please note: while NIPO has checked these community-created tools to ensure they do not contain any malicious code, we do not provide any support for them.
NfieldTool 2.13
The NfieldTool (previously called UploadTool) was created as some functions of Nfield are only available using our API. As some of our customers found it difficult to build tools using the API themselves, NIPO decided to support our users with this tool.
After authentication in the Excel sheet, the following set of actions are at your disposal:
Sampling Points actions
Addresses actions
Interviewers actions
Survey settings actions
Survey data actions
The update of 25 November 2024 contains the following improvement(s):
- Fixes were implemented to re-enable the upload of interview status for Quality Control.
ReadSurvey 5.11
Read your survey data in Excel. Based on the closed, open and variables files, all project information is exported to an Excel sheet. This is a handy tool to quickly make your output readable offline.
ReadSurvey supports downloading data directly from your Nfield domain using our API. It is also possible to use this tool with NFS data as well, or Nfield data which has been downloaded and stored locally.
ReadSurvey creates:
- A data map with all question positions and variables.
- A sheet with all closed and open answers, an interview per row. Optionally images and GPS locations can be included in the overview of closed answers.
- A Straight run of all questions (topline reporting).
- NFS appointment notes in a separate tab.
Update from 22 March 2024 of version 5.11 contains the following fix:
- After a recent update of Nfield and the NIPO ODIN Developer answer order and display order variables receive their category labels from a common variable. ReadSurvey will also use these category labels now to translate the answer codes.
nfieldodin plugin for Visual Studio Code
Created by a NIPO user from China, the VS Code plugin nfieldodin can be used to review/edit ODIN scripts.
Make sure the questionnaire script has .Q or .Odin as the extension, then opening in VS Code will offer these features:
- Show codes (including lists) in the Outline area.
- Show subroutings in the Outline area.
- Show VAR name or DIMVAR name (VAR name in parentheses, DIMVAR name in square brackets).
- Show different icons of dummy and non-dummy questions in Outline.
- Support hover over questions in the script.
- Support go to definition (F12) on questions in the script.
Clicking on the Download button below will take you to the tool in the Visual Studio Marketplace.
Nfield Theme Builder
On the Nfield platform, users can upload their own theme to customize the look and feel of each survey. However, many users are non-technical people who have no knowledge of CSS. This lack of knowledge is blocking them to explore the styling options in Nfield. Therefore, NIPO designed the Nfield Theme Builder tool.
The Nfield Theme Builder is an online tool. It provides a panel where users can change the color, font size and font style of questionnaire. There is a page preview showing the result instantly. The Nfield Theme Builder is made for the NfieldChicago template.
Some of the Nfield Theme Builder options:
- Select preset themes.
- Upload a previously created theme and modify this.
- Change the settings of each element (color, size, style).
- Add up to 2 logo’s to the theme.
- Finally, generate the theme that can be uploaded in Nfield.
AssignDirect, in conjuction with fieldwork planning in NIPO FMS, will automatically transfer your interviewers to their assigned survey.
After starting the AssignDirect client your interviewers only need to log in with their Interviewer number and password (optional) and AssignDirect will do the rest. The download contains a readme.txt with more information and set-up instructions.
1 June 2017 update: We applied a fix on the AssignDirect server. Needs Odmas32 version 3.09.002 to function properly.
ReportQ allows you to present CATI or Web fieldwork overviews to people internally and externally without having to give them access to NIPO CATI/Web Manager or NIPO FMS.
The tool uses the NIPO ODIN Questionnaire to filter and present response overviews of any current survey with interviewer performance statistics. And because every CATI customer is also entitled to 2 free web licenses, there is no need to extend your license when your system is only licensed for CATI usage. Included in the download is an overview of what the tool does.
Nfield Code
ProjectQ is a questionnaire manager with graphical interface. Very useful for multi-language questionnaires.
ProjectQ exports Q-files in different languages. Questionnaires can be translated and translations can be processed.