The Nfield Trust Center is here to provide transparency around how we handle data and reassurance of Nfield’s trustworthiness. This is where you’ll find information about NIPO practices related to security, compliance, and privacy, in the form of documents that can be shared with your clients. All the backup information you need to support your choice of using Nfield for market research projects.

The perfect handshake on security. Nfield is our software-as-a-service (Saas) offer, positioned exclusively on top of Microsoft Azure Paas, the Microsoft cloud solution that provides an infrastructure of maximum uptime, performance and data storage and relay.
It also effectively double-locks security, as users are protected by both Nfield’s security measures and the key industry standards set by Microsoft data centers.

Market research is nothing without data. But unexpected events such as system failures, cyber-attacks, or even natural disasters can result in data being compromised, lost or stolen. Having both robust security and a solid disaster recovery (DR) strategy are essential for protecting your data and maintaining its integrity.