
Contact NIPO

Sales and Support

Contact NIPO

How to find NIPO Amsterdam headquarters

Contact Sales

Want to find out more about our market research survey solutions? Our Sales team (based in Amsterdam) will be happy to discuss your requirements and explain how NIPO can help you achieve your goals.

You can also telephone Sales on +31 20 721 8090.

Contact Support

Our Support teams are contactable Monday to Friday (except local public holidays) during the following hours:

  • Amsterdam – 9am – 6pm CET
    Use the form below or telephone +31 20 721 8080
  • Mumbai – 9am – 6pm IST
    Use the form below

Please log all support requests first via the form below, before calling.

Rest assured that, although support contact hours are limited, our systems are monitored around the clock, every day of the year.

If you are an existing NIPO customer, please use the form below to contact support:

Support form

    We ask you to give us the consent to use the personal information provided in this message for NIPO’s support purposes. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at For more information, please read NIPO’s Privacy Policy.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Get a first impression, scheduled soon.

Get a first impression, scheduled soon.

Request a demo to see how NIPO can help you meet your requirements with our smart survey solutions.