

Focused on professional market research needs


Creating truly purposeful survey solutions

NIPO has been developing professional survey solutions for market research companies for over 40 years . Throughout this time, we have maintained close relationships with the market research industry to keep our offering aligned with what customers want and need. These insights, combined with attentive IT expertise, result in Online, CAPI and CATI products that deliver robust, truly fit-for-purpose performance.

With more than 200,000 users around the world, NIPO supports many thousands of market research projects every year.

NIPO is a Kantar company.

Globally present

Everything about NIPO reflects our global service and attitude. Our people originate from all around the world. Our IT set-up facilitates speed and compliance all around the world. Our four offices are located in Amsterdam, Madrid, Porto and Mumbai.

Continually evolving

NIPO’s watchful eye on both technology and market industry advances keeps our solutions evolving with the times. New features are frequently introduced, and you can follow the latest developments on LinkedIn.

Get a first impression, scheduled soon.

Get a first impression, scheduled soon.

Request a demo to see how NIPO can help you meet your requirements with our smart survey solutions.