

NIPO develops Online, CAPI and CATI survey solutions specifically for use by professional market researchers. These are designed and constantly updated in consultation with our customers to ensure they remain relevant and purposeful, while making the most of technological advances.


Our Saas platform for online surveys

Nfield Online

Combining the power of the Microsoft Azure cloud with our own close attention to the respondent experience, Nfield Online surveys encourage high-quality completion while delivering the speed, security, flexibility and compliance you need.

Capacity automatically scales as necessary, with no distribution limits. Tight data protection measures in place, while local data storage enables compliance around the world.

Our Nfield SaaS platform’s open architecture and APIs mean you can seamlessly integrate Nfield Online CAWI surveys with other market research tools.

View our cloud Online research solution

Face-to-face surveys for all fieldwork scenarios

Nfield CAPI

Nfield CAPI gives you control, flexibility and reliability out in the field. Supporting all (complex) sampling methods results in better data quality and faster survey completion, while on-device storage of interviews when no internet is available prevents connectivity-related disruption.

Speed, flexibility, security and compliance are all assured by our Nfield SaaS platform which runs in the Microsoft Azure cloud. Nfield CAPI automatically scales as needed, while its open architecture and APIs allow seamless integration with other market research tools.

More details of our face-to-face survey platform

Our proven solution for telephone surveys


NFS CATI was the world’s first telephone survey software, and its proven technology is still relied upon today for thousands of CATI seats around the globe.

This Windows-based system runs on-premise, with open architecture that allows easy integration with other market research tools.

Virtual call center functionality means interviewers can work from whatever location you choose – your own premises, an external call center, or from home. Real-time insights into fieldwork status and what each interviewer is doing provides helpful oversight of project progression.

Learn about our telephone survey application
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