
Nfield’s quality control options for rock-solid CAPI data

25 January 2017

Quality control is a process when fieldwork executives look into various source files to evaluate whether the interviews have been conducted with honesty and accuracy. It is in the researchers’ best interests to ensure that the data delivered to customers comply with the highest quality standards.

Nfield CAPI for smart quality control

In Nfield CAPI you can use location tracking and silent recording with ease to verify data and the credibility of your interviewers.

Silent recording enables you to record either the whole interview or parts of it without the interviewer’s knowledge. It is set up via scripting by inserting a simple command.

Location tracking means collecting unbiased information about the locations where your interviews have been conducted. To allocate an interviewer, the device has to be equipped with:

Things to remember about GPS

More options: measure twice, cut just once

In addition to the aforementioned methods, you can utilize Nfield CAPI for:

You can reject interviews that do not meet the quality standards in Nfield CAPI which will then  eliminate them from the complete target counts and exclude their data from the overall survey data.

Care about the best quality for your customers

False or insincere interviews provide useless data that cannot be delivered to customers, nor do they support the researchers’ objectives. The situation can even tarnish your reputation if the wrong data is used for expensive, important analyses that influence customers’ business decisions. Whilst the majority of interviewers respect their job and the nature of their work, there will always be a small percentage who will try and find shortcuts.
A lack of quality control usually results in more cases of false interviews. Pen and Paper researchers struggle with quality the most. Based on our experience, a few dishonest interviewers are revealed at the start when switching from Pen and Paper to CAPI, and as soon as the interviewers realize that the quality of their work is being thoroughly checked, the number of unfortunate incidents decline. Further features of the quality control system then prevents a come-back of dishonest practices.

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