

Session content:
– How to combine minimum and maximum quotas.
– Quota evaluation.
– Using multi codes quota.
– Quota frame evaluation.

Academy 52 – Quota in Nfield – Advanced options 1
Gepubliceerd op: 26 July 2024 Door: ard

ISO 27001 is an international standard for managing information security, and a must-have for any organization that is entrusted with large amounts of user data, as we are here at NIPO.

Following an intensive 5-day audit which scrutinized both our Amsterdam and Madrid offices, we are pleased to share the news that NIPO’s ISO 27001:2013 certification has once again been extended. Performed by SGS, this audit was fully focused on NIPO’s ISMS.

NIPO has been certified to ISO 27001:2013 since 2016. We have retained this by undergoing re-certification audits every three years, along with two additional annual surveillance audits in between.

Continuous improvement is at the heart of both the ISO 27001 certification and NIPO. In line with this, we are now working on all the measures necessary to conform to the latest iteration, ISO 27001:2022, before October 2025.

Alongside ISO certification, we also implement many additional security measures to ensure every Nfield customer can use our market research platform with confidence. To learn about these, see Your data is secure with Nfield: here’s how.

Security factsheet


Click here to download the Nfield Online and CAPI security factsheet, that contains a copy of the current ISO 27001-2013 certificate.

NIPO renews ISO 27001 certification
Gepubliceerd op: 16 July 2024 Door: ard

Session content:
– How to set up quota.
– How to check quota in the survey script.
– Handling quota overshoot.
– Changing quota targets during fieldwork.
– Changing quota structure during fieldwork.

Academy #51 – Quota in Nfield: The basics
Gepubliceerd op: 11 July 2024 Door: ard

Integrating Nfield with your own system(s) can significantly enhance your organization’s market research capabilities, and the Nfield API enables this to be a seamless experience. Here is everything developers need to know about Nfield integration via the Nfield API.

Essential preparation

Before diving into the integration process, let us start with a few basics that underpin successful integration.

  1. Understand REST API technology:
    REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style that uses HTTP requests for communication. The Nfield API is built on this technology, so understanding how REST APIs work is crucial. Check out this introduction to REST APIs to get up to speed.
  2. Learn how your researchers are using Nfield Manager:
    Nfield Manager is the interface through which researchers instruct the Nfield platform. To provide the integration capability these people need, you need to get to know how they work with Nfield Manager. Observing and discussing their workflow will provide you with essential insights into the tasks you need to automate and the endpoints you need to connect.
  3. Check out the Nfield API help page:
    Region-specific Nfield API help pages provide detailed documentation on endpoints, authentication methods, request formats, and more. Be sure to refer to the correct help page for your region:
Your regionNfield API help page
Asia Pacific
Table 1: Nfield API Help Page per region

Starting the integration process

Here’s how to initiate your Nfield API integration process by setting up authentication and understanding key endpoints.

  1. Authentication:

    There are two main methods for achieving this with the Nfield API:

    Basic Token:
    The easier, and more straightforward method is to use a basic token, which authenticates API requests by being included in the HTTP headers. You can also see a practical example in our video of automating quota progress reports with the Nfield API using Microsoft Power Automate.

    Bearer Token:
    The second method involves using OAuth 2.0 for authentication. This method is more complex but offers enhanced security features. You will need to obtain an access token through an OAuth flow, which will then be required in the header of your API requests. For more information, see What is Bearer Token and How it Works?
  2. Endpoints:
    The Nfield API is extensive and covers all the manual actions that can be performed in Nfield Manager. These include creating, updating, and managing surveys, managing respondent data, data collection processes, managing user accounts, and monitoring survey progress. Essentially, any task that can be done manually in Nfield Manager can be automated using the Nfield API. This comprehensive coverage enables full integration and automation of your organization’s market research processes.

    For detailed specifications and a full list of available API endpoints, refer to the Nfield Help Page for your region, as shown in table above.
  3. Making API calls:
    Use HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE to interact with endpoints. Make sure your requests include the necessary headers – such as the Authorization header – with your access token and Content-Type header for JSON data.
API using Postman

Figure 1: An example in Postman for getting surveys from Europe region.

  1. Handling Responses:
    The API will mostly return responses in JSON format, so you need to make sure your application is able to parse these. (A small percentage of endpoints will return responses as binary files.) Pay attention to the status codes to ensure both errors and successes are managed effectively.

Best practices for integration

Adhering to best practices will help make your integration more efficient and reliable.

  1. Start small:
    Begin with basic API calls to familiarize yourself with endpoints and responses. For example, start by retrieving a list of surveys before moving on to more complex operations like creating or updating surveys.
  2. Error handling:
    Implement robust error handling in your integration to manage scenarios like expired tokens, invalid requests, or server errors. This will ensure your integration is resilient and can recover gracefully from any issues.
  3. Testing:
    Thoroughly test your integration in a development environment before deploying it to production. Use test surveys and respondents to ensure your API calls are functioning as expected without affecting live data.
  4. Optimized data retrieval:
    When downloading survey data, avoid downloading the entire dataset each time. Instead, implement logic to download only the differences (incremental updates) since the last download. This practice reduces the load on both your system and the Nfield API, ensuring efficient data transfer.
  5. Respect API limits:
    Avoid making unnecessary frequent API calls to prevent overloading the system. Follow Nfield’s acceptable use policy, which provides guidelines on optimal API usage and rate limiting. Adhering to these guidelines ensures fair usage and system stability for all users.

Documentation and support

To stay updated and efficiently resolve issues, make effective use of available documentation and support resources.

  1. Regular updates:         
    Make sure you stay informed about system updates, new features, and changes to the Nfield API. Ask your domain administrator to set up an email auto-forward from Nfield’s update notifications. This will keep you up to date on the latest developments and ensure you do not miss any essential information.
  2. Keep the Nfield API help page to hand:
    Regularly refer to the Nfield API help page for updates and clarifications. It is a vital resource for understanding the endpoints, request formats, and best practices.
  3. Utilize support resources:
    Take advantage of the various support resources provided by Nfield, such as reach out to technical support and view Academy session recordings. These resources provide valuable assistance and insights from other developers and Nfield experts. Also an Nfield SDK has been created by Nfield users on Github.


Integrating Nfield with your system via the Nfield API can streamline your market research operations and provide valuable data insights.

By preparing adequately, understanding the API’s fundamentals, and following best practices, you can ensure your integration is a success.

Make the most of Nfield’s capabilities by leveraging all available resources, such as Nfield API manuals and your own researchers’ expertise.

Enhance your integration’s efficiency and performance by adopting optimized data retrieval methods and respecting API usage policies.

Stay up to date on system changes to continue getting the absolute best out of Nfield.

Developer’s guide to Nfield integration via the API
Gepubliceerd op: 2 July 2024 Door: admin

In market research, CAPI devices used for conducting surveys and collecting data are crucial to the fieldwork process. These devices, which are typically tablets powered by Android systems, are essential for enabling a smooth and efficient experience, while protecting valuable data.

Like every technical tool, CAPI devices need regular attention in terms of updates, data management and security checks to keep them performing as they should.

Here are our top-5 tips for optimizing the performance of your CAPI devices:

1. Keep your Android operating system updated

Regularly updating your Android operating system is vital for maintaining device security and performance. Android frequently releases updates, which often include important security patches and system optimizations. By ensuring you’re always running the latest software version, you can mitigate potential security vulnerabilities and ensure compatibility with applications – such as the Nfield CAPI app – as these, themselves, get updated.

2. Enable automatic updates for apps

Like every good app, the Nfield CAPI app periodically gets updated with new features, bug fixes, and security enhancements. To ensure you are always getting the best experience by using the latest version, we advise enabling automatic updates in your Google Play Store settings. This way, app updates are automatically downloaded and installed in the background without anybody having to remember to check and manually initiate the process. 

3. Utilize device management solutions to stay in control

Staying on top of your fieldwork operation calls for the ability to track CAPI device usage, troubleshoot issues, and maintain compliance with data security protocols. All this can be achieved by implementing a device management solution, such as Mobile Device Management (MDM) software, which provides centralized monitoring and control. MDM solutions enable administrators to remotely manage device settings, deploy applications, and enforce security policies.

4. Ensure every device is protected

CAPI device security is always essential, which is why we recommend implementing robust security measures such as device encryption, screen lock passcodes, and biometric authentication (e.g. fingerprint or facial recognition). It’s also a good idea to install reputable antivirus and security software to detect and mitigate potential threats such as malware or unauthorized access. For times when there is no secure Wi-Fi connection available, consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to preserve security by encrypting data transmission.

5. Conduct regular clean-ups to optimize device performance

Regularly doing a bit of a clean-up by clearing cache files, removing unnecessary apps, and managing device storage will go a long way to keeping your CAPI device operating well. These tasks can be conducted using built-in system maintenance tools and third-party optimization apps. The less clutter there is inside your CAPI devices, the better their performance will be.

A little proactive maintenance makes a big difference

These five top-tips for managing and maintaining security and performance on your CAPI devices are simple to implement, and will go a long way to keeping your fieldwork flowing smoothly. Optimally performing devices create a better user experience for fieldwork researchers and the people they interview, while enabling your market research company to get the most out of Nfield CAPI.

Top 5 tips for keeping your CAPI fieldwork device secure and performing well
Gepubliceerd op: 22 May 2024 Door: ard

Already for some time you can limit the access to different surveys to one or more groups of users on your Nfield domain. But until recently the configuration of this feature was only possible through the API. Now that the configuration is available through the Nfield Manager as well, it is time for a proper introduction of the survey access options.

Academy #49 – Survey access
Gepubliceerd op: 17 April 2024 Door: ard

This session is an extension on NIPO Academy #24 (fieldwork report) and #35 (custom reporting) wherein we will show you how to create your own BI report.

Academy #47 – Reporting
Gepubliceerd op: 3 April 2024 Door: ard

This session concentrates on the different scripting debugging techniques and processes Nfield offers, by introducing a new feature called Simulate Interviews. This feature is a replacement and important enhancement on the generate dummy data option in the NIPO ODIN Developer.

Academy #46 – Simulate Interviews
Gepubliceerd op: 27 March 2024 Door: ard

Why spend valuable time on routine tasks that can easily be automated? If you’re using Nfield for Online and CAPI surveys, you can reduce manual workload by hooking up with Microsoft Power Automate. Nfield’s API enables seamless integration with this user-friendly automation tool, without the need for any coding.

Integrating Microsoft Power Automate with Nfield can speed up your operations, reduce errors and omissions, and keep communications flowing, while freeing your people to focus on applying their expertise.  

Here are five examples of what Nfield and Microsoft Power Automate can achieve together.

1. Keeping clients informed with scheduled quota progress reports

Providing regular updates on project progress is good for client relationships, and demonstrates commitment to transparency and timely communication. But doing this takes time out of your day and can easily be forgotten.

With Microsoft Power Automate, you can schedule automated delivery of Nfield quota progress tables to clients, as often as you choose.

Watch our video demonstration of how to set up automated Quota Progress Reports using Microsoft Power Automate

2. Nurturing respondent relationships

Survey respondents are the lifeblood of market research, so keeping them onside is crucial. Simple things like sending thank you notes for completing surveys goes a long way to building loyalty.  

Microsoft Power Automate allows you to automate this. Reminding your respondents that their contribution is valued, and encouraging them to continue participating, without any members of your team having to disrupt their schedule.

3. Efficiently assigning addresses to interviewers

For CAPI surveys, assigning addresses to interviewers is an essential routine task. But it takes time that can be spent on other things.

Microsoft Power Automate can take care of this work by automatically assigning new addresses to each of your Nfield CAPI interviewers as required, ensuring fair distribution of workload and optimizing how each field worker is used.

4. Keeping your research team updated in real time

The faster your research team are informed, the faster they can get on with the next stage of their work.

Microsoft Power Automate can be hooked up with Nfield to notify them immediately when a survey quota target is met.

5. Ensuring survey data is immediately backed up

Everyone knows the importance of back-ups, which is why these should never be left to chance. 

Microsoft Power Automate can initiate backup processes the moment fieldwork is complete. Ensuring this crucial task doesn’t get forgotten, while lessening your team’s post-fieldwork workload, so they can focus their attention on analysis.

Integrating Nfield with Microsoft Power Automate, via the Nfield API, enables you to optimize your market research operations in many different ways. From enhancing various communications to automating routine tasks, this powerful combination allows you to focus on what matters most – extracting meaningful insights from your data.

Five ways no-code automation can improve efficiency in MR operations: Nfield API + Microsoft Power Automate
Gepubliceerd op: 8 March 2024 Door: ard

Automation of routine tasks is a great way to improve efficiency in any line of work. For market research companies conducting Nfield Online and CAPI surveys, this is easily achieved through integration with codeless tools such as Microsoft Power Automate and Zapier.

The beauty of no-code automation tools is they don’t require specialist expertise to set them up. All that’s necessary is an amount of familiarization with the tool and how it integrates with Nfield Manager via Nfield’s API. For the purpose of this demonstration, we’re showing how sending reports to clients can be automated using Microsoft Power Automate. This task is one of the Five ways no-code automation can improve efficiency in market research operations

Essential preparation

Here’s what’s necessary for integrating Microsoft Power Automate with Nfield:

Your regionNfield API Manual
Asia Pacific

A practical example: automated sending of quota progress reports

Our video follows every step of the process of setting up automated sending of quota progress reports from Nfield Manager using Microsoft Power Automate:

1. Log in to Power Automate (0:00 to 0:25)

2. Create a new flow with a schedule trigger* (0:25 to 1:05)

3. Create an HTTP connection for Nfield API authentication (1:05 to 2:54)

4. Extract and store authentication token (2:54 to 4:09)

5. Create another HTTP connection to retrieve the quota table (4:09 to 7:11)

6. Send an email with the quota table (7:11 to 8:12)

*In this example, reports are being scheduled to go out daily at 9am.

How to automate sending of quota progress reports: Nfield API + Microsoft Power Automate, no coding required
Gepubliceerd op: 8 March 2024 Door: ard

Happy New Year everyone! As we enter 2024, we hope you are looking forward to a positive year ahead. That’s certainly the case for us here at NIPO, where we never stop looking for ways to make Nfield even better aligned with users’ needs.

While we’re hard at work improving our products and developing new features, we thought this would be a good moment to reflect on the changes Nfield underwent during 2023. The 24 releases made over the course of the past year included the following major developments:

Automatic Clean-Up: to streamline data management

Keeping your Nfield domain clean – by deleting outdated surveys to avoid unnecessary data storage –  is vital for your GDPR compliance, security, and efficient operation. Helping you achieve this is all part of our responsibility within Nfield’s ISO 27001:2013 certification.

To make it as simple as possible, we introduced an automatic survey clean-up feature. You can learn all about it in our 30-minute webinar Academy #39 Automatic clean-up feature session recording.

Maintaining a clean, clutter-free domain promotes internal collaboration and enhances teamwork. Doing this will also help you keep in line with Nfield’s acceptable use policy, making it less likely that you’ll incur additional charges from exceeding storage limits.

Survey Blueprints: for faster survey set up

When you’re creating a new survey with the same configuration as one you’ve done before, starting again from scratch is a real waste of time, right? That’s why we introduced blueprints, which let you quickly set up new surveys based on identical channels and quota frames, without having to manually enter the details all over again. Pretty much like a template.

Thanks to blueprints, you no longer need to hold on to old surveys as setup references. Find out how to benefit from the efficiency of blueprints in our 22-minute webinar Academy #40 – Survey blueprints.

CAPI Fieldwork Progress Report and Repository: a streamlined data delivery pipeline

You wanted a more integrated and streamlined data management experience. We responded by developing a way to transmit CAPI data directly into the Nfield data delivery pipeline, enabling instant availability of comprehensive fieldwork progress reports.

This is still a work in progress, but Beta access is now open for integrating CAPI survey data into fieldwork progress reports and repositories.

Enhanced ODIN Developer: optimizing scripting efficiency

Scripting continues to evolve, and so do our tools for checking your scripts are free from logic errors. The NIPO ODIN Developer now incorporates both the legacy (NFS) parser and the new (Nfield) parser for ODIN questionnaire scripts. At the time of writing, both parsers are currently available, but the legacy parser will be phased out during 2024.

While developing the new Nfield parser, we discovered several commands and constructs that are no longer functional in Nfield. To help you transition to updated practices, these commands and constructs are now proactively reported as warnings.

Additional CAPI capability in Nfield Manager: further streamlining survey management

To make your CAPI survey experience even better, we enhanced Nfield Manager capabilities to enable truly seamless management, including for surveys with Sampling Points, Addresses, and Quotas. Day-to-day survey management is now even more streamlined via a more intuitive interface, and includes added support for Excel upload. As a result, the Nfield Manager lets you do more in one place, without having to use separate tools. So you get to enjoy even more convenience, efficiency and user-friendliness. This latest evolution of the Nfield Manager has led to retirement of the Classic Manager.

Nfield Status Page: providing real-time service insights

We know how frustrating it can be when you’re experiencing performance or availability issues and you don’t know if anything is being done to address them. That’s why we introduced our Nfield Status Page to provide real-time information about availability of our main services across different regions. Through this page, you can easily check whether the issue you’re encountering is already known to our team before deciding to raise a support ticket. It’s all part of our commitment to giving you the smoothest and most efficient service possible.

New Nfield API EndPoints: helping you accomplish tasks with even greater efficiency

In 2023, we gave our users a gleaming new toolbox for streamlining the process of Nfield domain configuration. Nfield API Endpoints v2 is a set of meticulously crafted tools, such as DomainEmailSettings, DomainLanguageTranslations, and DomainPasswordSettings, designed to make your work faster, smoother, and better overall.

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) act as a bridge connecting two completely different programs (e.g. Nfield and CRM / Nfield and Membership database / Nfield and your reporting system. See API – What researchers need to know for further explanation.

With the release of this updated toolbox, the older v1 endpoints have been deprecated, as indicated in the Nfield API help page.

On to 2024, and beyond

Our improvement journey is continual, and Nfield customers can look ahead to yet more innovations aimed at further enhancing the user experience and data collection efficiency.

For every visible change, a significant amount of hardening, performance improvement, security enhancements, and maintenance work also goes on behind the scenes. It all adds up to fulfilling our commitment to delivering a robust and reliable platform for every single one of our valued customers.

Here’s to an exciting, inquisitive, and productive year ahead in market research!

Navigating change: how Nfield evolved during 2023
Gepubliceerd op: 11 January 2024 Door: ard

We have extended the property filter for *USELIST to manage OR as well as AND statements. In this NIPO Academy session we will go over how this can improve your scripts.

Academy #44 – NIPO ODIN script improvements – Property filters in USELIST
Gepubliceerd op: 10 January 2024 Door: ard

Keeping your valuable data safe is an absolute priority for us. It’s an obligation that guides everything we do when shaping and powering Nfield’s features. Every conceivable measure is taken to ensure both our team and our software solutions comply with the highest security standards.

Holistic operation

Keeping your data secure depends on a wide range of measures working harmoniously together. A good way to visualize this is to imagine Nfield as a physical office building, where all the different market research and security departments are based. As with all commercial buildings, it is itself protected and complemented with off-site operations. 

(click image to enlarge)

Data security is underpinned by two core foundations  

Our Information Security Management System is ISO 27001:2013 certified. The same as followed by our platform provider, Microsoft.  

NIPO security

We maintain a strong security policy that ensures both your data and our products are safeguarded round the clock. Independent security experts (Paid Intruder) scrutinize our security procedures every year to evaluate our tools, processes and people. The measures to conform with ISO 27001:2013 for our Information Security Management System, as certified by an auditor (Auditor), are strictly followed in every wire connection and by every person in our company. As a matter of principle, the smallest possible number of NIPO specialists have access to Nfield’s infrastructure for carrying out deployments and maintenance.

Microsoft security

Nfield runs on Microsoft Azure, the highly-secured cloud known for its flawless, trusted performance, extensive data storage and reliability. Microsoft’s engineers work 24/7 to protect the cloud, scale its powers and administer other services which run on it, including Office365. 

Your security controls 

Nfield provides a number of different features that enable you to secure your domain to the highest level.  

Strong Authentication

Two-factor Authentication (2FA): Nfield accounts secured with two-factor authentication require users to enter a code (a token) generated by a standard authenticator app on a mobile phone. This has the effect of complementing something you know (your username and password) with a code obtained through something you have (your phone). It effectively blocks any unauthorized access to your Nfield account, even from those who have obtained your username and password, as these people (or their machines) are unable to retrieve the second factor code from the phone. Your valuable Nfield fieldwork and respondent data is thereby protected from prying eyes. Learn more in our article Protecting your Nfield login with two-factor authentication

Single-Sign-On (SSO): For enterprises, Nfield can be set up to use Office 365 accounts for Nfield login. Administration of your Nfield user accounts, for as many Nfield domains as you have, is centralized in your organization’s single-sign-on layer. In the case of an employee leaving the organization or other reason for revoking a person’s system access (e.g. because of a security breach), Nfield will automatically be included in the revoked permissions, with immediate effect from when the account in the single-sign-on layer is disabled or reset. With SSO, your password policy for accessing Nfield is automatically aligned with that of your organization.   

Strong password policy: Nfield can easily be configured to comply with strong password policies. Domain administrators can set rules for things such as password expiration period, old password re-use and strong password requirements (e.g. minimum number of characters and different character sets). You should also regularly revalidate your authorized users and ensure immediate removal of departing employees. 

GDPR compliance Toolkit 


Download your copy of the toolkit now:

Survey group access restriction 

Surveys contain valuable, and sometimes sensitive, information. It’s therefore essential to restrict access to certain parts of surveys to those who really need it to do their jobs. This is done by assigning users with specific roles which only allow access to designated areas and functionality. Find out more in our article Controlling access to survey rights. Setting the right access also limits the scope of risk in the case of data breach.

Our security management and facilities

The hypothetical building we’ve used to illustrate Nfield’s operation is managed by NIPO, who take care of its security and facilities to ensure compliance with the highest security and privacy standards. Our Information Security Management System is ISO 27001:2013 certified. We have procedures for everything, encrypt your data everywhere, limit access across the board and continuously test for potential security flaws.  

Private, individual domains 

Your projects are stored in your own individual domain, inaccessible to anyone else – even our employees – unless explicitly requested by you for customer support purposes. 

Access control and logging 

Nfield allows administrators to configure access on a user-by-user basis, defining the scope of activities every user is allowed to perform. Password requirements can also be set to enforce your chosen password policy, however strong you need it to be. All user actions are tracked and domain administrators can review them individually. The system automatically signs users out when inactive for more than 15 minutes. 

Data backup

Your collected data is stored in secure Microsoft SQL database servers and replicated in other data centers so it can be restored in the event of something going wrong. Microsoft security policies strictly regulate access to its data centers. 

Data encryption 

All your data is secured by SSL and encrypted to protect it from sniffing. 

Local data storage option 

Different countries and industries often have their own specific regulations when it comes to data storage. To comply with this, market research companies need to give careful consideration to where their respondent data is stored. To enable data storage compliance, we have developed the ability to separate survey deployment from storage of respondent data. This means it is now possible, for example, to deploy a survey from the Hong Kong SAR Microsoft Data Center and store the respondent data in the Singapore Microsoft Data Center. Find out more in our article Local Data Storage Compliance, around the World.  

Specific measures for Nfield CAPI 

Tablet devices are desirable prizes for thieves. Their thin, lightweight nature also makes them easy to forget about and accidentally leave behind. Nfield therefore also deploys additional measures to limit the extent of data exposure risk due to being locally stored on a mobile device.  

Minimal information 

Nfield ensures the minimum amount of information possible is present on any mobile device at any given moment. Each device is only sent the surveys and associated respondent information specifically assigned to its user(s). Data that no longer needs to be accessible is removed as soon as possible. 

  • You control which surveys and respondent details are assigned to each interviewer, so can limit exposure. 
  • Survey response data is transferred to a local, encrypted database and removed from the device as soon as possible after each interview is completed. (As soon as the interviewer connects to internet network.) 
  • Upon completion of each interviewer’s involvement, all information relating to a project is deleted from their device as soon as you unassign them or close the project (once the interviewer has connected to the internet and synchronized their device with the Nfield system).  

Secure device sharing 

The same mobile device can be shared by multiple interviewers. Each survey and its collected data is only accessible to the relevant interviewer, via their login credentials. Interviewers cannot review, start or modify any surveys not specifically assigned to them. 

Encoded questionnaires 

Nfield questionnaires are stored in an encoded proprietary format. The original script is never displayed in an interviewer’s device, so interviewers cannot make changes.

We ❤ secure solutions

Fully compliant practices, means you can rest assured when it comes to data security. And with cloud-based operation delivering unbeatable cost-efficiency together with all the capacity you need, whenever you need it, Nfield is the ultimate solution for improving both your quality of work and your profit margins. 

Your data is secure with Nfield: here’s how
Gepubliceerd op: 24 November 2023 Door: admin

Market research is all about helping organizations stay ahead of their competition. To be successful, market researchers themselves need to lead by example, using tools which leverage cutting-edge technology to produce thorough insights, in any given situation. 

NIPO’s Nfield platform does all this, at the same time as considering research companies’ own business needs. With unwavering commitment to security and compliance, robust architecture, user-friendly design, and seamless API integration, Nfield provides a game-changing package for even the most complex data collection and analysis projects.

Nfield strengths

Data security and compliance – fully assured

Data security is paramount in every business situation, and carries a whole new level of responsibility when data from a large number of third-parties is involved. Nfield is as prepared for this as it is possible to be. Certified to ISO27001, the international standard for information security management systems, Nfield guarantees all data is safeguarded against any unauthorized access, theft, or damage.

This highest-level certification is complemented with GDPR compliance, meaning Nfield adheres to the stringent General Data Protection Regulation set forth by the European Union (and CCPA).

For market researchers and their clients alike, this combination of data security and privacy compliance gives full peace of mind that everybody’s valuable and sensitive information is in safe hands. To learn more, visit the NIPO Data Security website.

Read More:
Faultless ISO 27001-2013 audit for Nfield
Keeping your Nfield domain clean for compliance, security and efficient working

Robust and scalable – for every situation

Market research clients come in many different forms and seek insights from all kind of places. That’s why Nfield has been designed to seamlessly accommodate every eventuality, without missing a beat.

Leveraging the power of the Microsoft Azure PaaS environment, Nfield scales automatically as and when necessary to provide the right capacity for every size of project. And, thanks to strategically positioned servers across Europe, Asia Pacific, China and America, offers the fastest possible response times for researchers and respondents alike, wherever they’re located.

Nfield’s dedicated operations team continually maintains the platform to ensure reliability and uninterrupted access. Making the most of Microsoft Azure’s features and capabilities, including high availability and disaster recovery, Nfield delivers consistent and reliable performance to every size of company, all around the world.

Read More:
Seamlessly Migrating a High Volume Online Survey
Nfield sets new activity record, with 104,758 interview completes in 24 hours

Perfectly-presented access via any device

Market research doesn’t all take place at a desk. That’s why Nfield is as mobile as the world we live in. The platform, complete with its responsive, user-friendly design, is effortlessly accessible via smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops. So there are no limitations to where and when responses can be gathered.

Read More:
Bringing True Mobility to your Surveys
Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Nfield brings you Closer to Impactful Outcomes
Employee Satisfaction Surveys: Superior Nfield Capabilities leave Clients more Satisfied too!

API Integration

Nfield’s API enables seamless connection with other software solutions of your choice, such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems and analytics platforms, to streamline workflows and enhance data accuracy. With endless possibilities for automation, data transfer and generation of custom reports, Nfield’s API integration can supercharge productivity while facilitating next-level customization.

Read More:
API – What researchers need to know

An empowering market research platform – for companies that really mean business

In our fiercely competitive world, speedy ability to leverage data-driven insights is key. Leaving no stone unturned in this highly complex task, Nfield is the ultimate industrial-strength survey platform for market research companies that really mean business. Nfield’s scalability and reach mean companies of every size, and in any location, can be empowered by fast, user-friendly processes that take our industry to the next level.

Nfield: designed for real-world business needs
Gepubliceerd op: 29 September 2023 Door: ard

NIPO recently introduced a new subset of NIPO Academy sessions, called “Scripting problem of the month”. This session is about the use of randomizations.

Academy #42 – Scripting problem of the month – Randomizations
Gepubliceerd op: 20 September 2023 Door: ard
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